Change your blog URL to dot com

I haven't had a ton of experience with blogs, so I wan't sure if I could purchase a domain name and still have my blog hosted by blogspot. I was thinking that I would have to purchase from and do some funny business like redirecting to my blog website, or move the content and possibly pay for server space. I've seen some solutions say that you need to move where your hosted content is if you want to get a .com, .net or something similar. Google has made it super easy to change the URL (if you purchase the domain from them). Domains from Google are $10/year which is reasonable. I don't know if WordPress or other blogging sites have options to purchase domains, but it only makes sense. The good news is that the old URL and new URL both work, so your countless hours of SEO won't be wasted.

This website is available from both places:

Making the change was super easy, but was still new to me, so this is what I did:

1. Log in to blogspot, and go to Settings
2. Click Publishing
3. Click buy domain and take it from there. Google will do the rest.

This site is still a little test project for me, but now I'm committed to $10/year. Hopefully it will be worth it with a more professional looking .com site.

I also realized that Google gives you a free apps account with up to 50 users for the domain, so I think that getting the domain through Google was definitely a good move.


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